Off Grid Solar & Battery Storage

Premium off-grid solar and battery installations for remote, semi-rural, or suburban properties in Queensland, Australia.


An off-grid solar and battery system allows you to power your home, business, or other buildings without relying on traditional electricity sources a.k.a. FREEDOM!

With an off-grid setup, your electricity comes solely from the energy produced by your solar panels, giving you complete energy independence.

Although off-grid systems can be complex, they are often the best solution for those seeking an alternative energy source, especially when connecting to the grid is prohibitively expensive or if you prefer to eliminate electricity bills altogether. Off-grid solar is dependable, durable, and fully capable of meeting your energy requirements. It's essential to work with an experienced off-grid installer to ensure the system meets your needs effectively.

Solar Batteries

Due to the widespread adoption of solar energy systems across Australia, interest in solar battery systems is also on the rise. Many businesses and homeowners have noticed a significant reduction in their grid-energy use during the day, leading them to explore battery storage options to enhance their savings and reduce their environmental impact around the clock.

A Reliable Energy Source, Even Without Sunshine

Solar energy systems provide power to your property while the sun is shining, but there are times when energy production is low or nonexistent, such as on overcast days or at night.

By integrating solar battery storage with your system, you can store excess energy produced during the day for later use.

For example, energy generated on a sunny weekend when your business isn't operating can be stored and used on a cloudy day or during an evening shift. For homeowners, this means storing energy while everyone is out during the day and using it during peak hours at night.

solar batteries

Advantages of Solar Battery Systems

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Solar battery systems allow you to store clean energy at any time, ready for use when needed. Unlike grid power, this energy is cost-free and generated sustainably by your system.

Off-Grid Power After Dark:

While a solar system alone can’t generate power at night, a battery system allows you to use stored energy after sunset, ensuring continuous power availability.

Long-Term Cost Savings:

By using stored solar energy when your system isn’t generating, you reduce your reliance on grid power, leading to lower energy costs throughout the lifespan of the system and battery.

Portable Energy Solution:

Solar systems and batteries can be relocated, making your investment flexible and mobile. This means you can take your energy solution with you if you move to a new home or location.

Protection from Future Energy Price Increases

With less dependence on grid power, you’re less affected by the fluctuations and potential increases in Australian energy costs, providing more financial stability.

We offer professional and personal commercial solar services to help your Gold Coast business reduce energy costs. Call us today for a quote.

Are solar battery systems worth buying?

You know commercial solar and residential solar systems are in high demand and see a great return on investment, in regards to both savings and environmental impact. So why do we see a smaller uptake in systems that include batteries?

Worth buying versus a return in investment

We have watched the market closely since 2014, and with the expansion of solar energy has come the drop in pricing. While a standard solar energy system sees a significant return on investment and a lower payback period, solar batteries are not quite equal in value-over-cost, meaning more individuals choose to invest in the solar system only.

Batteries provide an incredible opportunity to reduce energy bills and make a shift in your carbon footprint. For many companies, their environmental impact is more important than a quicker return on investment, making the installation of a solar battery system an easy decision. Likewise, other factors like geographic remoteness might inspire the installation of a solar battery system to complement existing backups like diesel generators.

In conclusion: A solar battery system being ‘worth it’ is completely up to how you deem worth. If your focus is on reduction of bills only and a faster return, a solar battery system might not be right for you right now. If you’re interested in reducing your environmental impact and being more ‘off the grid’, a solar battery system will be a great choice to assist in that endeavour.

The Freedom to live wherever, and however YOU want!